Pitch booking Terms and Conditions
- Online bookings are non-refundable; however, we will attempt to move the booking to a different date providing if possible.
- Block booking & casual pitch bookings can be made in advance only.
- We cannot accept walk-in bookings on any night.
- Members must confirm that they have provided us with up to date & correct contact information before they play.
- 1-way System in operation inside the Pitch Reception – Enter through the Front Door and Exit through the Back Door (Pitches)
- You must Sanitise your hands when you enter the Pitch Building.
- Part-Payments are no longer accepted, and All Payments must be made in full.
- Card Payments should be used where possible.
- Please follow and respect the social distancing signage within the pitch building.
- Only one member of each group must enter the building when paying to avoid a large congregation.
- Locker Rooms and Showering facilities will remain closed. Players should arrive kitted out and ready to play.
- Players should not congregate outside their pitch before or after their game.
- No handshakes allowed – try to limit contact with each other where possible.
- Players should bring their own water/drink to the game and must put all used bottles into the bins outside the pitch gates when leaving.
- No Gear Bags/Clothes should be brought onto the pitch when playing. We recommend leaving all valuables at home when coming to play.
- Spitting will not be tolerated on the pitches/outside the facility and may result in cancelled memberships.